Dealer Compensation Plan
Two Ways to Earn More Revenue!

Partner-Up Program:
Be sure and ask about our Partner Up Program allowing you to close your customers with the assistance of a Crexendo Senior Engineer.
Earn Fast Start Bonuses:
$125 per sale Fast Start Bonus on your first 4 sales to refund the Multi-Device Demo Kit ***

$100 per sale Fast Start Bonus to refund the price of your Single-Device Demo Kit within your first 120 days ***
Earn Incentive Bonuses at the Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels!
*Excludes taxes and fees
** Based on a 36 month contract
***Fast Start Bonus is not to exceed the initial cost of
your Demo Kit and is only paid on sales of $300 per
month and above
Partner Up Program

- Crexendo will pay the Dealer 20% of the customers monthly phone bill, excluding taxes and fees, for the life of the customer contract.
- For example: On an average customer sale of $300 per month (excluding taces and fees), Crexendo will pay the Dealer 20% or $60 per month for the life of the customer contract.
- To qualify for the "PUP" a Dealer must first submit a full and complete Crexendo Discovery form to allowing enough time for a Senior Engineer to review and create a customer proposal. The Dealer must then set up and attend a meeting between the Customer and the Senior Engineer for system proposal and closing.