Crexendo Telecom Devices

“We first ran on a traditional PBX system but not without problems. At peak hours our customers would hear busy signals. That’s death for a direct marketing company like us. We decided to switch to a cloud-based system, but faced 2 episodes of lengthy downtime over the course of one year. In 2011, we elected to move our entire network to Crexendo’s hosted telecommunication system. We got all the features of our previous hosted provider but with additional cloud-based functionality that added superb call quality, flexibility and convenience. Plus, overall we are saving over $500 per month from our old PBX phone system. Growing a company is hard enough, but I can’t tell you what a comfort it is to know that with Crexendo, I never have to worry about how our phone system will grow with us.”
Co-Founder & President
Living Whole Foods, Inc.
“Crexendo is great because there is very little startup cost, not typical of getting a new phone system where you have significant capital outlay. With Crexendo, there was none at all! Additionally, we were able to reduce our monthly expense by about 40%! One of my favorite things about my Crexendo phone system is that whether I am in or out of the office, I can always get a call using my Crexendo Mobile Smartphone Application. Flexibility, cost savings and convenience are the three main reasons I chose and would highly recommend Crexendo’s Hosted Telecom Solution.”
The Christane Company